Sending Events

This section shows you how to send the Storyly events to specific data platforms. You can use the following function of StorylyVerticalFeedDelegate to redirect the Storyly events to your data platform:

func VerticalFeedEvent(_ view: Storyly.StorylyVerticalFeedView,
                  		 event: Storyly.VerticalFeedEvent,
                    	 feedGroup: Storyly.VerticalFeedGroup?,
                       feedItem: Storyly.VerticalFeedItem?,
                       feedItemComponent: Storyly.VerticalFeedItemComponent?) {}
- (void)VerticalFeedEvent:(StorylyView *)storylyView
               			event:(enum VerticalFeedEvent)event
          			feedGroup:(VerticalFeedGroup *)feedGroup
                 feedItem:(VerticalFeedItem *)feedItem
        feedItemComponent:(VerticalFeedItemComponent *)feedItemComponent {}



You can also check Vertical Feed Events

Vertical Feed Events

This section shows you how to observe Vertical Feed's basic functionality events. To get notification about these basic events, you should override the following functions in StorylyVerticalFeedDelegate, which you have registered in Initial SDK Setup.



You can also check Vertical Feed Events

VerticalFeedPresented Event

This event will let you know that content is starting to be shown to the users. To be notified about this event, use the following example:

func verticalFeedPresented(_ view: StorylyVerticalFeedView)
- (void)verticalFeedPresented:(StorylyVerticalFeedView *)view {}

VerticalFeedDismissed Event

This event will let you know that the user dismissed the current video while watching it. To be notified about this event, use the following example:

func verticalFeedDismissed(_ view: StorylyVerticalFeedView)
- (void)verticalFeedDismissed:(StorylyVerticalFeedView *)view {}

Interactive Events

This guide shows you how to get the reactions of users from specific interactive components. You can use the following function to get the reactions of your users:

func verticalFeedUserInteracted(_ view: StorylyVerticalFeedView,
                                feedGroup: VerticalFeedGroup,
                                feedItem: VerticalFeedItem,
                                feedItemComponent: VerticalFeedItemComponent)
- (void)verticalFeedUserInteracted:(StorylyVerticalFeedView *)view
                  			 feedGroup:(VerticalFeedGroup *)feedGroup
                          feedItem:(VerticalFeedItem *)feedItem
            	   feedItemComponent:(VerticalFeedItemComponent *)feedItemComponent {}

feedComponent parameter informs your application about the interacted component and the details of the interaction. For instance, if a user answers a quiz, the payload will include what the right answer is and what the user's answer is. The structure of feedComponent is different for each of the interactive components.