Guide to Create the Best Story Creative

Guide to Create the Best Story Creative

To have the best fit and look at your Stories, we strongly recommend you check the important notes below.


Your Stories should be at the size of 1080 x 2160 or 1080 x 2400.
Best performing aspect ratios are 9:18 and 9:20.


We are willing to show Stories to your end user in the best way, no matter which phones they have. The Stories will be aligned on top, which means on smaller devices, the bottom part of your content won’t be showing up.


Always consider the safe zone while creating your content. If you are willing to create the best experience, always put your content inside the safe zone so, no matter which device your users are on, they’ll see the content you’ve created perfectly.

Swipe-up CTAs are special, they are always fixed at the bottom of the image, and they’ll be on the bottom no matter what the size of devices.

So, what can you do to create the perfect Story?

  • Use an image with the size 1080 x 2160 or 1080 x 2400
  • Align your content like texts, main image, and interactives inside the safe zone
  • Suggested sizes for Story Group Covers are 400 x 400px or 500 x 500px



Before saving your content on the dashboard always check for other preview options from top right

Once you’ve checked all of the 3 important check points above, your users will experience Stories in the perfect way.